
poplar peach tree Learn more about poplar peach tree

  • How much is a carambola sapling? This kind of seed can produce a high yield!

    How much is a carambola sapling? This kind of seed can produce a high yield!

    Carambola, also known as Wulianzi and carambola, is a tropical fruit with high nutritional value. it is very popular because of its good appearance, sweet and sour pulp, and the taste of mango, grape and lemon. It is being planted in many areas.

    2020-11-09 Carambola saplings probably more less money one tree so can be planted high yield
  • Is it good to plant apricot trees at home?

    Is it good to plant apricot trees at home?

    It is not suitable for planting apricot trees at home, which will affect the fortune of the family and the relationship between husband and wife. According to fengshui, apricot is not planted in the east, peach is not planted in the west, mulberry is not planted in front, willow is not planted in the back, poplar is not planted in the middle, and there is discomfort around the yard.

    2020-11-08 Home planting apricot trees good or not summary home not suitable planting
  • How to grow peach trees

    How to grow peach trees

    Carambola is a fruit that looks like a five-pointed star. It is very attractive. The price on the market is also relatively expensive. Therefore, many areas are planted. How is the poplar tree planted? 1, select land to build a garden Carambola planting If you build a garden in the mountains, you should choose a water source that can be irrigated and the soil is better.

    2020-11-09 poplar peach tree poplar peach tree how species carambola is shape
  • Are peach blossoms edible? How do you eat it? What are the effects and effects?

    Are peach blossoms edible? How do you eat it? What are the effects and effects?

    Peach blossoms, that is, the blooming flowers of peach trees, belong to the rose family. Originated in central and northern China, it has been widely planted in temperate countries and regions of the world. Peach is a popular fruit in summer, so can its flowers be eaten? How do you eat it? Yes

    2020-11-09 Peach blossom can edible Mo how eat have what efficacy and
  • Examples of seedling variety distribution in different regions of China

    Examples of seedling variety distribution in different regions of China

    What kinds of seedlings are there in our country? There are still many varieties of seedlings planted in China, and the main distributed plant communities in different urban areas are still different. today, we will mainly take a look at the collection of seedling varieties planted in various cities in China, which is only for your interest.

    2020-11-27 China various regions seedlings varieties distribution examples I state-owned
  • Placement of several kinds of tree stump bonsai

    Placement of several kinds of tree stump bonsai

    The placement of tree stump bonsai is very fastidious, many pile friends have made a detailed introduction to the distance between pot stakes, air circulation, lighting and other aspects, which will not be described here. This article would like to make some brief comments on the placement of several different kinds of pot piles.

  • 65 species of Xiangke plants you must know when you are gardening

    65 species of Xiangke plants you must know when you are gardening

    1. The aromatic substances secreted by cloves, mint, Robinia pseudoacacia and laurel affect the elongation and growth of adjacent plants. two。 The secretions of elm trees can stunt the development of oaks. 3. Elm.

  • Breeding Methods of Ficus Trees--New Techniques of Breeding Ficus Trees

    Breeding Methods of Ficus Trees--New Techniques of Breeding Ficus Trees

    Ficus is an evergreen plant with elegant and huge crown and aerial roots that can form a single tree. It is resistant to shade and sun, moisture and drought. It has many varieties and is easy to shape. It is an excellent tree species for soil and water conservation, urban greening and bonsai production.

  • The main points of the reproduction of the bed of the yellow vein jazz

    The main points of the reproduction of the bed of the yellow vein jazz

    The leaf shape of the yellow vein jazz bed is correct, although the adult plant can be up to 2 meters high, but some friends still like to say that the yellow vein jazz bed is made into a large potted plant to be placed in the hall to improve the environment. It is also very beautiful to have yellow flowers at the top of the bed in summer.

  • Cuttage Seedling Technique and Propagation Method of Tianmu Qionghua

    Cuttage Seedling Technique and Propagation Method of Tianmu Qionghua

    How does the Heavenly Eye Viburnum reproduce? The following Xiaobian takes you to see a research report on the cuttage breeding technology of Tianmu Qionghua. Farmers can learn what they want to know from middle school.

  • Enjoy the bonsai modeling pictures of bamboo and cypress!

    Enjoy the bonsai modeling pictures of bamboo and cypress!

    The bonsai picture of bamboo and cypress can be seen here. Friends who like it can raise a pot of bamboo and cypress at home. Try to make a beautiful bonsai for it.

  • How does the sea cucumber grow in winter?

    How does the sea cucumber grow in winter?

    Hylocereus, this is a lot of people like to cultivate, this Hylocereus bloom or quite good-looking, Hylocereus cultivation method is what kind of? Hyacinth winter deciduous Mody: Hyacinth breeding methods: soil selection, selection of good drainage, good permeability of sandy loam as a cultivation substrate

  • Softwood Cuttage Propagation techniques of North American Holly

    Softwood Cuttage Propagation techniques of North American Holly

    At present, there is no big breakthrough in hardwood cuttage of American holly, and the effect is not good when the seedling rate reaches 50%. Softwood cutting is the main means of propagation of most garden plants, and it is also the main way to breed seedlings in foreign countries. Next, let's introduce the propagation techniques of softwood cuttings of North American holly.

  • Is Red-backed Cinnamomum poisonous? grafting breeding method

    Is Red-backed Cinnamomum poisonous? grafting breeding method

    Red back cinnamon, as its name implies, its leaf back is red, is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, but how many people know about it? Is the total plant poisonous and so on a series of questions, we do not know we are going to find out. Is the red back cinnamon poisonous? Red back cinnamon is poisonous.

  • Is the propagation method of watermelon pepper grass poisonous?

    Is the propagation method of watermelon pepper grass poisonous?

    Watermelon peel pepper grass is similar to watermelon peel, so it has the title of watermelon peel pepper grass. What is the breeding way of watermelon pepper grass? Is it poisonous? Propagation method of watermelon and pepper grass: ramets are generally carried out in spring and autumn, and the temperature of about 20 degrees is the most suitable, combined with changing pots and soil, anyway, they have to be pulled up.

  • Learn the culture method of Clematis paniculata and beautiful flowers blossom on schedule

    Learn the culture method of Clematis paniculata and beautiful flowers blossom on schedule

    Golden lotus blossoms very beautifully, and many people hope to raise this kind of flower at home. However, because there are not many people who know the growth habits of Clematis paniculata, as a result, breeding always ends in failure. Today we will tell you how to breed it.

  • What are the key points of antler fern cultivation?

    What are the key points of antler fern cultivation?

    It is called a bat fern. It is a perennial epiphytic herb of Polypodiaceae. The leaves diverge at the top and resemble antlers. They like warm, humid and semi-shady environments. It is a typical epiphytic fern. (1)Usually planted in special pots (i.e., holes drilled in the walls of pots)

  • Main points of sowing and propagation of Liquidambar formosana

    Main points of sowing and propagation of Liquidambar formosana

    Liquidambar formosana is one of the most important ornamental tree species in China. Because of its rapid growth, wide adaptation, light preference and barren tolerance, it is not difficult to cultivate Liquidambar formosana. In addition, the resin of Liquidambar formosana has certain medicinal value, so the economic value of Liquidambar formosana is very high. Liquidambar formosana is often propagated by sowing.

  • Does Xiaoli blossom in winter? what are the ways of reproduction?

    Does Xiaoli blossom in winter? what are the ways of reproduction?

    Xiaoli is different from Dahlia. These are two different plants. Does Xiaoli blossom in winter? What are the breeding methods of Xiaoli flower? Does Xiaoli blossom in winter: the florescence of Xiaoli is very long, and due to different climatic and environmental conditions in different regions, the flowering period is also different.

  • Learn how to grow daisies and keep pocket flowers blooming on the windowsill

    Learn how to grow daisies and keep pocket flowers blooming on the windowsill

    Daisies bloom small and exquisite, and many people like them very much. Some friends who like to grow flowers always try to keep daisies in their own homes and fail. Today we're going to talk about the right way to plant daisies. I hope it will help you.
